Oh Kale Yea!

I hope everyone is as excited about the warmer weather as I am and you are supporting your local farmers and buying all of their yummy produce.  My office is downtown so I have the luxury of being able to forward my phone, close a file and walk outside and shop twice a week at our market.  It’s a pretty great perk.  This week a friend came over to peruse my fabric stash and stayed for dinner.  She reminded me that she has a “million” food allergies, so would understand if I wanted to take the offer back.  I like a challenge and find that some of my favorite dishes have been born out of a challenge.  I had planned on making fish, rice and veggies and loaded up on produce at the market.  This included a big bag of kale.  As I started to prep, I realized that I had a lot of produce to roast with the fish and maybe I should forego the kale.  But we needed snacks!  Pinterest to the rescue and the kale chips would be had by all.  Everyone loved them, especially the kiddo.  So much so, that she asked for them the next day.  That’s success in my book.  Try them.  Let your kids make them.  You might be surprised.


Fresh kale

Olive oil


Cayenne or red pepper (optional)

Remove the meaty spines of the kale and tear leaves into desired size (bigger is more impressive).  Wash and dry thoroughly.  In a large bowl, add kale pieces and a small amount of oil (start with a tablespoon).  Massage the oil into all the leaves.  Spread out onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (very important).  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Jazz them up with cayenne or Cajun seasoning or even cheap sprinkle Parmesan (you know, from the shaker can).  Bake at 300 degrees for about 20 minutes.  I used the convection setting on my oven and it worked great.

Remove from the oven and you’ll have a plate piled high with delicate, crispy goodness. 

  Kale prepped for baking.

The kiddo in kale bliss.

Enjoy your veggies!

Winner winner, chicken dinner!!

We have a winner!

Wait, we have TWO winners!  I decided to pick a winner for each palette!

Drum roll please…..


I will be coordinating with the two winners to get measurements and go over styles and prefs.   Thanks to everyone that entered the contest.  Remember, I am available for commissioned pieces, if you are so inclined.

In the spirit of Me Made May, here is a photo of my first outfit for the month.  The kiddo took the pic and yes, I’m holding containers of fruit.


I’ve been making simple, stretchy pencil skirts.  I can make them the correct length, they don’t wrinkle and they are a wardrobe staple.  The top is $3 thrift store find that I altered down to the correct size.

Yeah for Me Made May!  More to come!